My Properties

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Property Details

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pool overlooking city

Welcome to the Journey Alliance

Let’s get started by locating your property (or portfolio). Please enter your website URL (or OTA listing) below so we can automagically access details on your stays


What is the name of your property?

Which of the following options best describes your business?

How large is your portfolio?

Confirm just a couple more details for us...

To help us provide you with the best tools and insights, we need to know a little more about how your portfolio (or property) has been performing. Please share your estimated total Gross Booking Value (GBV) from the past 12 months and your current occupancy rate.


Confirm just a couple more details for us…

To help us provide you with the best tools and insights, we need to know a little more about how your portfolio (or property) has been performing. Please share your estimated total Gross Booking Value (GBV) from the past 12 months and your current occupancy rate.
